Energy Mitigates Pain

is coaching for both your physical and mental well-being. Founded on philosophies that you are not limited by your age or your physical pain, and that healing is possible with the right mindset and lifestyle. Living a life of longevity is of upmost importance and living in true alignment with that reflected in your mind and body.

Energy Mitigates Pain

is coaching for both your physical and mental well-being. Founded on philosophies that you are not limited by your age or your physical pain, and that healing is possible with the right mindset and lifestyle. Living a life of longevity is of upmost importance and living in true alignment with that reflected in your mind and body. 


Three paths to mitigate pain

A 4 Phase integral approach to managing and healing Low Back Pain.
A Daily Movement Practice to keep your joints healthy for life. Movement is Medicine.
Bringing Awareness to your daily patterns. Mind Body connection.



Alyssa Mecoli


Alyssa's life journey led her to everything you see here at Energy Mitigates Pain. From feeling like there was no hope for her body after playing college basketball, to healing and feeling the best she's ever felt in her entire life.

About the Founder

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