Client Success Stories


Thomas Young

I have worked in the health/fitness industry for 10+ years. And despite my extensive knowledge on stretches, exercises and all varieties of healing modalities; I still found myself in the injury cycle time and time again. It wasn't until I implemented Alyssa's mobility programming into my fitness routine that I truly began to see results. After undergoing 3 ACL surgeries, I accepted a life filled with osteoarthritis, daily ice packs, and ibuprofen.

Fortunately, thanks to consistency with Alyssa's programming and her unrelenting desire to help others meet their goals, my knees are capable of handling work loads and movements I never imagined possible.

So please do your future self a favor and take the time to learn from Alyssa. Her unique programming will change your life.

Elizabeth Dupree

Alyssa was truly an answered prayer. I knew Alyssa through basketball and had followed her Instagram for some time, so I knew all about the personal training she was doing and how she was making an impact on so many lives, specifically for people with chronic pain. I had been dealing with low back pain for about a year when I finally decided to reach out to her. Prior to reaching out to Alyssa, I had tried every remedy in the book to relieve my back pain - physical therapy, rest, chiropractor, etc. All those things had improved the symptoms I was having, but nothing seemed to be enough to make the pain go away completely. Alyssa provided a unique approach in that she focused on improving my hip and spine mobility in an effort to alleviate my back pain. Within about 3 weeks, my back pain was almost entirely gone. On top of that, chronic knee pain that I had also been dealing with from surgery and years of playing basketball also dramatically improved as a side effect of the mobility work we were doing. I was able to go back to lifting, running, and living life again without constant pain. You deserve to live a pain free life. So if you're like I was and have nagging aches and pains that need some attention, reach out to Alyssa ASAP. I promise you won't regret it.

Andrew Becker

I began working out at FTX and with Alyssa January of 2022. My goal was increased flexibility and mobility, having had lower back pain and stiffness for years. I began exercising over a decade ago and have been a member of multiple types and sizes of gyms. Self diagnosis: I allowed ego driven lifting to get in the way of proper form and practiced limited, if any stretching prior to my time at FTX and with Alyssa. Alyssa empowered me to be able to take greater care of my body through specific guided stretches, exercises and movements to open up my spine, back, hips, and glutes. She tailored an a strategic exercise program that grew my range of motion and gradually increased strength with proper form. Having a trained and experienced pair of eyes on me through weekly exercises- for all reps/sets was pivotal to my success. I greatly appreciate working with Alyssa to greatly increase my body awareness and adjust movements/exercises as needed. I’ve learned how much can be achieved through deliberate body weight movements and exercises I’d never done previously. I’ve felt the best I have in years- constantly reaching greater levels of flexibility, strength, and mobility in my lower body. I’d recommend Alyssa to all who have reached their own limits of strength, mobility, and flexibility- and sincerely desire to take their body to new heights!

Phyllis Dent

I suffered a severe injury to my right knee last June. After working with my doctor using laser and acupuncture, I began to heal, and she suggested that I meet and work with Alyssa to enhance what she was doing. Working with Alyssa was huge in my recovery. When we first started, I was very unsteady and weak. She taught me CARS techniques, and my body and brain began to communicate again. I grew stronger and more confident with each session. Alyssa was incredibly patient and supportive. I am 74 years old, so it is vital that I was able to regain my confidence and strength after working with her. She made a huge difference in my life, and I feel stronger than I have in years - so much so that I am now happily training my fast growing Christmas puppy with the knowledge I’m strong enough to handle him. Alyssa has made a huge difference in my life, and I very enthusiastically recommend her to anyone reading this. Not only will she help with your recovery and strengthening goals, but you will also have a wonderful friend for life.

Matthew Zucker

I started working with Alyssa due to shoulder issues from playing baseball and hip tightness due to a long period of time with a very sedentary lifestyle. I started doing shoulder cars, hip cars and other mobility exercises that she recommended and noticed immediate benefits from them. Any shoulder related exercises in the gym felt way easier and the tightness in my shoulders and hips have improved a lot since I started working with her. She is very friendly, knowledgeable, genuinely cares about her clients and loves seeing their progression. I’d recommend anyone dealing with pain, trying to get stronger or that just wants to improve their mobility to see her she is fantastic to work with.

Peter Thunem

I met Alyssa through my friends who frequent FTX Wellness and was referred to her by my Chiropractor, Dr. Aida and could not be more grateful to have found her. Upon arriving at our first session, Alyssa was already prepared with a treatment plan to help me with my back issues. She had already worked and communicated with Dr. Aida about what my issues were. She asked questions and was very compassionate; she pushed me to do my best right from the get go. She is very adamant about listening to your body, and she continues to prove to me each time we meet how much of a difference that makes. Alyssa is more than knowledgeable and is always growing and learning herself, which she doesn’t hesitate to bring into our work. Anyone should consider themselves lucky to see her. My back issues are easily tended to and are no longer a hinderance on my everyday routine, both in and outside the gym. I am so blessed to work with Alyssa Mecoli.

Ashley Ancion

I began working with Alyssa in the Winter of 2021. I chose to work with her because I wanted to strength train with proper form, improve my mobility, and rehab shoulder bursitis. Alyssa’s experience of being a star performing student athlete in combination with her B.S., Pain Free Performance & Functional Range Mobility Specialist certifications make her a uniquely qualified and stellar coach. Alyssa’s dedication to human performance is inspiring and transformative. If you’re looking for a coach that walks the walk and promotes growth in all areas of life - look no further!

Alexandra Pachter

Alyssa is a wonderful coach! I took her mobility work shop and I learned a lot. I have implemented what she has taught in my daily movement practices/workouts and even with my clients - and we are ALL feeling and moving better! Alyssa has great energy and keeps the environment FUN while we work and learn. I will continue to take her courses and my intention is to train with her one day soon, too!

Jennifer Bowie

I found Alyssa through a mutual friend who suggested we take a mobility workshop she was offering. Being in the fitness industry as a classical Pilates and yoga instructor, I am always looking for new ways to help my clients move as freely as possible in their bodies pain free. I came out of the experience with amazing knowledge that I use daily not only in my own personal practice but with my clients as well. Alyssa‘a knowledge, passion and experience are evident that she truly loves what she does and it is contagious. I am looking forward to learning more from her in the future.